Welcome Message » Welcome Address By The Librarian

Welcome Address By The Librarian

The University Library is located in the main campus at Agbani and maintains branch libraries in all the faculties of the university. In addition to this, the Medical Library is located in the College of Medicine at Enugu same with the Engineering library. It operates a hybrid library – a combination of both print and electronic resources. The Digital library is at the main library at Agbani, but each faculty also has a Digital library that serve it.

Through its current efforts in integrating new technologies in information service delivery, it the University Library strives to deliver world-class physical and digital content and services critical to teaching, learning and research to its immediate and surrounding communities. The Library thinks locally and acts globally to key into the objectives of establishing the university and advances partnership both within and outside the University for the promotion of research and scholarship. Its greatest investments are its staff, print and electronic collections, and physical and virtual libraries that drive information access and scholarly communication.